Hargeysa-10-10-2018-(GNN):-Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland, Mudane Muuse Biixi Cabdi, ayaa si rasmi ah u daah-furay shirweyne heer sare ah oo lagu falanqaynayo guulihii ay Somaliland gaadhay muddadii 27-ka sano ahayd ee ay jirtey iyo caqabadihii soo wajahay, kaas oo ay kasoo qayb-galeen wufuud caalami ah oo ka socota dalal kala duwan oo dunida ah, hay’addo diblomaasiyiin, siyaasiyiin, safiirro, shirguddoonka goleyaasha guurtida iyo wakiillada, xildhibaanno, hoggaanka axsaabta qaranka, , haldoor ka socday dalalka Jaarka ee Jabuuti iyo Itoobiya iyo marti-sharaf kale oo aad u tiro badan.
Shirkan oo ay kasoo qayb-galeen wufuud ka socota In ka badan 20 (labaatan) dal oo kamid ah dalalka dunida, isla markaana ay soo abaabushay wasaaradda arrimaha dibadda Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland, ayaa laga jeediyey hadallo salka ku haya guulihii ay Somaliland gaadhay iyada oo aan cid kale gacan ka helin, jidka dheer ee ay usoo martay halka ay maanta taagan tahay iyo waliba caqabadaha hortaagan ee u baahan in meesha laga saaro.
Xubno isugu jira xildhibaanno, siyaasiyiin, aqoonyahanno iyo diblomaasiyiin ka kala socday dalalka caalamka oo halkaas ka hadlay, ayaa si isku mid ah Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland ugu bogaadiyey guulaha la taaban karo ee ay gaadhay muddadii ay jirtey, waxana ay hoosta ka xarriiqeen inay Somaliland kala shaqayn doonaan sidii ay uga gudbi lahayd dhammaanba wixii caqabado ah ee horyaalla.
Wasiirka wasaaradda arrimaha dibadda iyo horumarinta caalamiga ah, Dr. Sacad Cali Shire oo isaguna kulankan hadallo ka jeediyey, ayaa shaaciyey inay Somaliland gaadhay guulo waaweyn oo soo jiitay dunida kale iyo saaxiibada Somaliland ee daafaha adduunka, isla markaana ay kasoo gudubtay caqabado tiro badan, kuwa haatan horyaallana ay diyaar u tahay inay isku duubni shacab iyo dedaal dawladnimo kaga gudubto.
Wasiir Sacad Cali Shire waxa uu tilmaamay in ictiraaf la’aantu safka hore kaga jirto caqabada Somaliland hortaagan muddadii 27-ka sano ahayd ee ay jirtey, isaga oo xusay in Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland si buuxda uga soo baxday dhammaanba wixii shuruudo ahaa ee ku xidhnaa helitaanka ictiraaf caalami ah, isla markaana ay weli maqan tahay xuquuq weyn oo ay shacabka reer Somaliland dunida xaq ugu leeyihiin.
Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland, Mudane Muuse Biixi Cabdi oo si rasmi ah shirweynahan u daah-furay, ayaa isaguna ku dheeraaday sidii ay shacabka reer Somaliland ugu soo dhabar-adaygeen inay noqdaan qaran taabbo-gal ah oo isku filan, waxana isaga oo arrimahaas ka hadlaya uu yidhi, “Somaliland waxa ay taariikhda ku gashay inay tahay dalka qudha ee gudihiisa kaligii taliye kula dagallaamay ee uu u adeegsaday inuu diyaarado ku dumiyo magaalooyinkii ee haddanna ka guulaystay adkaysigooda iyo niyad-adaygooda birta ah. Waxa kale oo ay Somaliland taariikhda ku gashay in iyada oo dagaalka intaas le’egi ku dhacay oo dadka colaad lagu dhex abuuray inay haddana iyadu dhisto dawladnimo iyo midnimo iyada oo aan cid kale u oggolaan inay soo faro-geliyaan”.
Shirweynahan lagu gorfaynayo guulihii ay Somaliland gaadhay muddadii 27-ka sano ahayd ee ay jirtey iyo caqabadaha ka horyimi, ayaa socon doona muddo laba maalmood ah, waxana lagu wadaagi doonaa aragtiyo aqoon ku dhisan oo la xidhiidha sidii looga gudbi lahaa wax kasta oo lugta qaban kara hiigsiga fog ee qarankani leeyahay.
Wa-bilaahi Tawfiiq
President’s Remarks:
Distinguished Guest, Ladies and Gentlemen
It is a great honor for me to address the participants of this important conference on “Somaliland Achievements and Challenges ahead 27 years later”.
Particularly, I would like to express our appreciation to Somaliland friends who traveled from far to attend this important meeting. The Government and the people of Somaliland are fully aware of the important role that Somaliland friends play in strengthening the relationship between Somaliland and the International community, and their tireless effort to help Somaliland achieve its development objectives and international recognition.
History will record the important role of Somaliland friends.
Ladies and Gentlemen
However hard we try, we cannot capture the tremendous achievements Somaliland has made in the past 27 years. Therefore, I will like to mention the most important ones:
· Peace and reconciliation among the Somaliland clans;
· Demobilization of the Militia and the establishment of Somaliland national armed forces;
· State and institutions building;
· Referendum on the constitution and its approval by 97% o the Somaliland voters;
· Implementation of the democratization process and holding of multiple rounds of peaceful, credible, free and fair elections;
· Economic development and successful efforts to attract Foreign Direct Investment chief among them is the expansion and modernization of the Berbera Port;
· Somaliland’s contribution to the regional peace and stability;
· The role we play in the Regional Economic integration through utilization of the soon to be expanded and modernized Berbera port.
Ladies and Gentlemen
During the last 27 years, Somaliland has faced a lot of challenges. Most of these challenges we overcame. However, there are still some challenges that we are still tackling including the following:
· Economy with limited resources;
· Huge unemployment level particularly among the youth;
· Lack of international recognition which impacts negatively on our ability to obtain our rights including international economic support, specially from International Financial Institutions;
· Limited resources for a better infrastructure development.
Our government is continuously working on strategies to address these challenges facing us in this contemporary period.
Ladies and Gentlemen;
We are closing following the changing dynamics and the ports competition in the region. The expansion and modernization of Berbera Port provides Somaliland with an opportunity to play an important role in the regional economic integration.
Somaliland plays an important role in the peace and security of the region which we spend considerable amount of our limited resources. Somaliland is an oasis of peace and stability free from the scourge of terrorism and piracy.
You have a lot of things to deal with in this conference. So, I do look forward to seeing your views and recommendations on the way forward for Somaliland Republic, including on the aforementioned challenges.
Hargeisa Somaliland
Gabiley News Network.